Approval Process

Self-gen items require approval

Here are the order of events that happens when choosing to personalise and purchase a self-gen product.

1 - You click 'Add to basket' from the online editor
2 - The shopping basket shows you the product together with the text 'Approval Required'.
3 - You proceed to the checkout.
4 - You complete the checkout form and pay.
5 - You see an order confirmation page with order ID and some red text telling you how many prodcuts you have ordered that require approval.
6 - A designated approver will view your order to make sure it conforms to NHC's corporate guidelines.
7 - If the approver is happy with your personalised order then they will accept it. You will receive an email notifying you that your order has been accepted.
8 - If the approver does not approve the order then they have the option of editing it themselves or rejecting the order. If they decide to reject it then you will receive an email notification telling you why it was rejected.
9 - If the product was rejected then when logged in to the NHC printshop website, you can click the 'Work in Progress' link at the top right corner of the screen to see your order items that are currently in the approval process. You will have the choice of either editing, re-submitting it or deleting the item. Clicking re-submit gives you the chance to submit a comment back to the approver.
10 - In the event of the order being rejected, you will receive a refund for the reject item(s).