Frequently Asked Questions

NHC Holdings Limited frequently asked questions aim to provide the answer to the most common Customer Service enquiries. If the FAQ's do not answer your question and you would like help from one of our advisors, please contact our Contact Centre team at:

General enquiries:
Email address:

If you are contacting us about an order you have placed then please have your OrderID number to hand.

Can I order using my smartphone or tablet?
The print shop website works on all the latest devices including Android, iOS (Apple) and Windows Phone 8. However, please be aware that placing an order may not be as easy using a handheld device as it would be using a desktop or laptop computer. We are working on improving the user experience for ordering on all devices.

Is there any cost involved when ordering from the NHC Holdings Limited printshop?
There are a range of different items available to order. There is no cost to you when ordering any generic stationery products though personalised self gen products are produced to order and you will be charged for those.

Why is there a limit on how many brochures or posters that I can order?
We have set on limit on the number of products that can be ordered because there is a limited amount of printed stock that is available and we want to make sure there is enough for everyone to order.

What are self gen products?
Self gen products allow you to personalise our corporate printed items with your own name and contact details.

Can I personalise my information anywhere I want on a self gen product?
No, NHC Holdings Limited provides templates for these items and a guide indicates what and indeed, where any information can be placed. The templates do not allow any other information outside of these areas.

Checking my self gen products
You are responsible for checking the content you enter in to the self gen products is correct. We recommend you click the green 'Download Preview' button from within the editor to download a PDF preview. You can then load this PDF in to a PDF reader to check the changes you have entered.

Downloading a preview PDF can take some time. Is this normal?
When downloading a preview PDF of a self gen product, you are downloading a full-res file. Your download time will depend on the size of the file (some files can be ~10MB in size) and the speed of your internet connection. Slower broadband speeds could mean a wait of a few minutes for a single PDF to be downloaded.

Why does my self gen material need to approved before it is printed?
To maintain the quality of the material NHC Holdings Limited check to ensure the content in acceptable before printing can proceed.

How much does it cost to print co-branded material?
Self gen material is produced to order and the cost depends on what is ordered and the quantity that is printed. The price of the self gen item will be clearly display before you proceed to payment. The order can be easily stopped/changed prior to payment.

What payments methods are available?
We can accept payment from Mastercard, Visa credit and Visa debit.

Can I preview my product once it's been added to the shopping basket?
When at the shopping basket, you can click the thumbnail of the product to view an enlarged preview of the first page. If you wish to view more than the first page then you will have to choose to edit the product to load it back in to the editor. To edit the item from the shopping basket, click the blue 'Edit' button beside the thumbnail image for that product. That product will then be opened in the online editor with all changes applied. Clicking the blue 'Save Changes' button will then take you back to the Shopping Basket page.

How much will it cost to have my product(s) delivered?
For all pre-printed items the delivery costs will be free. For self gen items, delivery is included in the price.

I have other queries. What do I do?
Please take a look at the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy pages – these may hold some of the answers you're looking for. If not, please contact us and we'll do all we can to help you. Email address: